Removing soot from workplace air after a fire: Our experience

Not too many months ago, there was a fire in an adjoining suite of the business park we called home. No direct flames, lots of smoke The overwhelming smell of smoke in a significant portion of our building made it impossible to work there, so one department moved to offices with cleaner air. We lost… Learn More

Dangerous dust: Control measures during concrete testing

While the term ‘concrete jungle’ is commonly used to describe buzzing downtown urban areas, concrete is a major player throughout our global infrastructure. Concrete is used in many residential and commercial applications, from home construction and commercial skyscrapers, to roads, highways and large diameter pipeline. In fact, our safety is dependent upon how strong concrete… Learn More

Respiratory protection from Schaudinn Fixative vapor

Schaudinn’s Fixative is a mercuric chloride-based fluid that is used to preserve the integrity of sample specimens in preparation for analysis. Once specimen fixation occurs, a stain is usually applied to the samples to help in the identification of specific microscopic organisms. While not a complete list, the fields of Parasitology, Cytology and Fecal Sampling… Learn More

A clean air gem for Jewel Day 2015: Manon Doyle

Metalsmith and jewelry maker Manon Doyle regularly reinvents her artistic self. Her first love was painting. Then she worked in glass mosaics for a while, sometimes in three dimensions, like a sculptor. When she was ready to move on from mosaics, she chose enamel work. To learn enameling basics, she attended workshops at Haystack Mountain… Learn More

Removing dust and mold spores during book restoration and conservation

The art and precision of book restoration and conservation is a honed skill; one that involves countless hours of detailed yet delicate labor. The passion that goes in to restoring rare and antiquated works of literature is evidenced by the finished product. By removing layers of dirt and remediating mold spores from the pages, original… Learn More

Commercializing biotechnology? Constraints, constraints, constraints!

Biotechnology entrepreneurs are a varied lot. They may be wringing out a drug discovery process, or developing a medical device that will end up inside the human body, or perhaps creating robotics systems that speed up laboratory tasks. They have the same concerns as entrepreneurs everywhere – keeping expenses in check, retaining key personnel, attracting… Learn More

Economical, adaptive enclosures for simulated pharmacy training

The pharmaceutical industry in America is complex in that multiple agencies, both private and governmental, develop standards and regulations on everything from beta testing new drugs to compounding and selling approved medications. These standards are not only meant to protect the health and safety of end users, but also those who manipulate, manufacture, and package… Learn More