Hazards of hot welding PVC and fume extraction

Our benchtop Winged Sentries provide a flexible work space for tasks that require local exhaust ventilation (LEV). For example, say a company wants to ship small trays of laboratory chemicals arranged in the order a lab tech uses them. What’s more, the company wants to provide the lab chemicals in customized amounts. Winged Sentries pull… Learn More

Economical clean room hood for platelet-rich plasma injection preparation

According to The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is “a patient’s own concentrated platelets (that) contain a large number of growth factors.” Patients with ligament, cartilage, tendon, or bone injuries turn to PRP injections to help reduce pain and stimulate healing in the affected area(s). Since PRP injections utilize the patient’s… Learn More

Fume and dust collection during firearm coating and refinishing

Refinishing and applying coatings to firearms is very detailed and can at times be cumbersome. With several small and large parts, it is important that each step of the process be done accurately in order for the finished product to be blemish free. The process requires several steps and each step creates its own respiratory… Learn More

Cost-effective exhaust system for beryllium-copper fume removal

Recently, a customer reached out to us regarding their Beryllium-Copper (BeCu) annealing process. They requested a ducted exhaust hood to help protect their employees from breathing harmful, noxious fume while working with the BeCU parts.   Background Beryllium-Copper is a copper alloy containing small amounts of beryllium and is known for its high strength. Its… Learn More

Softwall canopy fume hoods help ventilate large work areas

A common issue in many manufacturing facilities is large equipment that produces dust and fume. These particulates can get sucked into a building’s HVAC system, float around in the ambient air, and settle on surfaces. The thought of improving air quality may sound daunting when you have several hundred or several thousand square feet, tall… Learn More

Mineral Dust: Geological Sample Preparation

Crushing, cutting, splitting, pulverizing and dividing. These are all common practices when preparing geological and mineral core samples for further testing and analysis. Breaking down a larger sample via these methods helps reduce volume and/or particle size, creates representative samples, and preps the sample for analyses like specific gravity or bulk density. There are several… Learn More

Very clean, compact workspace for electronics repair and data recovery

Among our most daring and entrepreneurial customers are those willing to throw wide the doors to civilization’s sacred objects — our phones and computerized devices. When these smarties repair a tablet screen or restore a hard drive within one of our Portable Clean Room Hoods, they expose the devices’ inner workings to a clean, ISO… Learn More

Spark reduction goes hand in hand with good housekeeping

They may look like flashes of light, quickly here then gone, but sparks are actually bits of very hot metal. One reason we know this is the work of early researcher Robert Hooke. In this case, early means 17th century. (More info about Hooke at the end of this post.) Spark reducers can trap or… Learn More

Custom solution for acetone cleaning station fumes

A customer contacted Sentry Air because their work involved multiple parts cleaning stations each using shallow acetone baths. They requested a fume extraction solution that would help protect their employees from acetone vapor as well as reduce noxious chemical odor. The plan was to install multi-operator fume extractors that would filter the acetone before exhausting… Learn More