Yesterday, Thursday May 17, 2018, at approximately 1 PM ET/5 AM HST (Hawaiian local time) Kilauea Volcano, located on southeast Island of Hawai’i near Pāhoa, erupted for the first time since 19241. This presumed phreatic eruption has sent ash plumes as far as 12 miles away2, however the actual particulate distance is difficult to measure… Learn More
Respiratory hazards of wildfire smoke
The recent and tragic wildfires in northern California have prompted many to question the respiratory hazards that are being generated due to the pungent smoke and particulate blowing off of these fires. The smoke that is produced during these fires contains a mixture of gases and fine particulates that is generated from organic plant material…. Learn More
Mesothelioma And The Hazards of Airborne Asbestos Particles
Mesothelioma is a particularly aggressive and dangerous form of cancer that manifests in the interior lung lining of the patient. It can spread at a disturbing rate, overtaking the heart, lungs or chest unless it is met with the appropriate chemotherapy treatment. Direct contact with Asbestos is the leading cause of mesothelioma, but the particles… Learn More
Toxicity of methyl methacrylate in dentistry
Initially, denture teeth were made of ceramic material. With the advent of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) in the 1940s, a new material was introduced for the fabrication of denture teeth. Denture teeth are currently made of either methacrylate-based resins (acrylic resin) or ceramics. Loss of teeth, which may be due to trauma, dental diseases, pathology, or… Learn More
Hydrochloric acid health risks: vapor, mist, and fume inhalation
What is Hydrochloric Acid? Hydrochloric acid is a colorless, corrosive, liquid that fumes in air at high concentrations of 25% or more, and becomes a hydrogen chloride gas forming dense white vapors due to condensation with atmospheric moisture (Pubchem). The vapor is corrosive, and air concentrations above 5 ppm can cause irritation. Hydrogen chloride is… Learn More
A discussion on 3D printers, UFP emission, and HEPA filtration
Nowadays, it is a common sight to see 3D printers in homes, schools, offices, labs, and workshops. The ability to quickly and economically print objects and prototypes make 3D printing one of the fastest-growing technologies today. The process of creating three-dimensional printed objects is actually quite interesting. The majority of commercially available 3D printers… Learn More
OSHA releases final rule on respirable crystalline silica
Original regulation on occupational exposure to respirable crystalline silica – a known human carcinogen – had not been updated in over 40 years despite years of studies showing its debilitating and often fatal health effects on workers. In most recent years, the use of silica in the workplace has expanded across several new industries and… Learn More
University utilizes ductless containment hood for bone DNA extraction
Traditional DNA specimens gathered at crime and trauma scenes include hair, blood, saliva, and other bodily fluids. In most cases these are excellent sources for identifying human remains. Unfortunately, if a body is severely decomposed, exposed to extreme environmental conditions, or only skeletal remains are found, it makes recovering DNA that much more difficult. In… Learn More
Testing dairy products requires acid gas filter for fume extraction
Dairy Testing Dairy products are foods based on milk. Yogurt, cheese, kefir, butter — and milk, of course — are important foodstuffs around the globe. Regulatory agencies, food safety scientists, food technologists as well as dairy producers themselves may test dairy products using a variety of test chemicals. Some testing is designed to determine the… Learn More
Hazards of hot welding PVC and fume extraction
Our benchtop Winged Sentries provide a flexible work space for tasks that require local exhaust ventilation (LEV). For example, say a company wants to ship small trays of laboratory chemicals arranged in the order a lab tech uses them. What’s more, the company wants to provide the lab chemicals in customized amounts. Winged Sentries pull… Learn More