Brazilian Keratin Treatment Fume Extractor Testimonial

Steve Tcherkezian is a BKT and Japanese Hair Straightening Specialist at Nouveau Hair Gallery in Toronto, Canada. He currently uses our Model SS-300-BKT Fume Extractor to help reduce fume exposure while performing hair treatments on clients: “Hey, my name is Steve Tcherkezian. I am in Toronto, Canada. I specialize in the Brazilian/BKT and Japanese Hair… Learn More

Particulate Matter: The Basics

“Particulate matter” is also known as “Particle Pollution” or simply “PM.” The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) describes it as “a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets [that are] made up of a number of components, including acids (such as nitrates and sulfates), organic chemicals, metals, and soil or dust particles.” [1] Despite… Learn More

Testimonial: Research in the Peruvian Rainforest

Gabriel A. Miller is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University. He utilizes a Sentry Air 18-Inch Portable Clean Room in the Peruvian Rainforest for his research: “We are using your portable laminar flow hood to work with fungi living inside tropical plant tissues; it’s amazing to create a sterile… Learn More

Nail Salon Respiratory Safety

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, one of the most effective ways to help prevent inhalation of dangerous fumes and particulate in a nail salon is to install local exhaust ventilation: “Install a local exhaust ventilation system near work tables. Since the general heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems (HVACs) slowly exchange the air inside the… Learn More

Testimonial: Molecular Biology

Sarah Laredo is an Animal Behavior Graduate Student at the University of California, Davis. She utilizes our 18″ Ductless Fume Hood [Model SS-218-DCH] for her Molecular Biology work in the field: ” I am using the Sentry Air unit to conduct tissue extraction in an outdoor field setting. I work with a very powerful fixative… Learn More

The Hazards of Formaldehyde Fumes

Formaldehyde is a useful chemical that is used in many manufacturing processes and in day-to-day life. It also poses a danger because of its toxic and carcinogenic properties and as such should be handled safely. Formaldehyde is a volatile organic compound (VOC) with a strong and distinctive odor that can be found in a clear… Learn More

The Hazards of Solder Fumes

Updated May 3, 2024 Soldering is a process in which heat is used to join two metals together by melting a third metal or solder. This process can produce fumes or solder smoke that can be hazardous to the operator. Depending on the application and particular solder, there is a wide variety of health concerns… Learn More

New OSHA Hexavalent Chromium Requirement

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) released a press release on Friday, May 21st, regarding hexavalent chromium and worker knowledge of exposure. May 31st already marks the deadline for executing proper engineering controls related to worker exposure to hexavalent chromium (Click Here for information regarding this standard), and now June 15, 2010 marks another… Learn More

Sentry Air Systems Case Study: MEK Fume Removal

Methyl Ethyl Ketone Fumes: Methyl Ethyl Ketone, also known as MEK and butanone, is one of the most prevalent ketone compounds and is used in a wide variety of applications. It is primarily produced industrially on a large scale from 2-butanol. MEK is a popular solvent and dissolves many materials. It is frequently used to… Learn More

Hazards of Epoxy Fumes

What is Epoxy? Epoxy, also known as polyepoxide or an epoxy resin system, is the combination of epoxy resin and a curing agent (also called a catalyst or hardener). Common applications include bonding adhesive, paints and coatings, primers and sealers, patching and resurfacing, flooring, chemical containment, wood repairs, electrical applications, composite materials, marine applications, aerospace… Learn More