Sentry Air Systems will now be offering off-the-shelf walk-in hoods or Quick Ship Walk-in Hoods. Quick Ship Walk-in Hoods ship in 5 business days instead of the industry standard 4-6 weeks+ lead time. With a few custom options, Quick Ship Walk-in Hoods provide a timely solution to help your facility start controlling fumes and particulate…. Learn More
Using Filtration to Help Address Common Exhaust Hood Issues – Exhaust Filter Box
Using Exhaust Hoods or Ducted Fume Hoods can lead to a variety of issues that affect the operation and safety of the fume hood. Below are a few common issues or concerns experienced with Exhaust Hoods. • Ductwork particulate build-up resulting in downtime and costly maintenance procedures (Haugen, 2018) • Safety concerns associated with ductwork… Learn More
Germ Killer UV Air Purifier – Powerful UV Air Cleaner to Help Reduce Disease Transmission
During the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, our product development team saw a need for an ambient air cleaner that used UV light to help prevent disease transmission. After extensive product and market research, we concluded that the UV air purifiers on the market had issues with UV light leaks and lacked safety features… Learn More
Help Prevent PCR Contamination with Laminar Flow Hoods
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) requires strict laboratory protocol and procedures to prevent contamination and ensure accurate results (Rhea-McManus, 2022). PCR has revolutionized molecular biology and gene studies but recently became widely known for pathogen tests such as COVID-19 (Rhea-McManus, 2022). Laboratories should utilize Laminar Flow Hoods or Portable Clean Rooms for preparation and other sensitive… Learn More
Industrial Fume Control Solutions to Help Meet Year-End Budget Balances
Are you looking for a helpful purchase that can satisfy year-end budget balances and add a safety benefit to your workplace? Industrial Engineering Respiratory Controls provide added safety with a quick turnaround to fulfill budget surpluses. Industrial Fume Control Systems not only help improve worker safety and morale but also help facilities be ready… Learn More
Safety in the Science Classroom: Chemistry Fume Hoods and Air Cleaners
To improve safety in the science classroom, educational facilities should utilize Fume Hoods and Air Cleaners. Fume Hoods, such as Ductless Fume Hoods or Exhaust Hoods, provide the first layer of defense against harmful fumes and particulate created from experiments, demonstrations, or studies. Chemistry Fume Hoods can also help protect from other hazards such… Learn More
SAS Clean Air Scholarship Winners 2022
Thank you so much for your patience. This year, we received over 400 entries, which is doubled from last year. It was very difficult to select only two winners from all of the creative and thoughtful entries. We’d like to thank everyone that entered for their time and effort. 1st Place Winner: Brandon Bishop ($2,500… Learn More
5 Air Quality Tips to Improve Work Efficiency
Do you know why it is important to increase the air quality in the workplace… …because when air quality is improved, work efficiency improves. This is mostly due to the decrease in health conditions caused by compromised air. Air quality decreases when levels of contaminants accumulate faster than they can be ventilated or eliminated; and… Learn More
Rotary Evaporator Fume Control
Rotary evaporators can release hazardous solvent fumes while using or cleaning the system, or while emptying the solvent trap (UCLA, 2010). Operators should consider fume inhalation risks and utilize respiratory engineering controls, such as a ductless fume hood or exhaust hood, to protect their safety and the overall laboratory’s safety. What are Rotary Evaporators? Rotary… Learn More
Improving Ventilation and Air Filtration to Help Prevent COVID Transmission in the Workplace
After two years of working from home, many companies have started searching for ways to get back to work while still protecting employees from COVID. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends utilizing a multi-layered protection approach including masks, social distancing, hand hygiene, vaccination, and improving the building’s ventilation (Ref. 1). Using… Learn More