Reducing Exposure to Airborne Hormones during Compounding

Hormone therapy is commonly used to treat menopause symptoms in women. Though research into hormone therapy and its long term health effects have posed differing results over time, it is still a popular option to many who are looking to ease the symptoms of menopause. One treatment for hormone therapy is the use of pharmaceutical… Learn More

Testimonial: Margaret Burnham, Art Conservator, Birmingham Museum of Art

Many people would be surprised to know that the people who protect art need protection, too. Health hazards for conservators The products conservators use do a good job of mending and preserving art objects, but they may emit fumes or particles that shouldn’t be inhaled. At the Birmingham Museum of Art, Margaret Burnham focuses on… Learn More

New National Emphasis Program focuses on reducing isocyanate exposure

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently developed a National Emphasis Program (NEP) to focus on workplace health issues derived from occupational exposure to isocyanate. Isocyanates are compounds containing the isocyanate group (-NCO); a highly reactive, low molecular weight family of chemicals. They react with compounds containing alcohol (hydroxyl) groups to produce polyurethane polymers…. Learn More

Reducing Seed Treatment Dust Off

The Guide to Seed Treatment Stewardship defines seed treatment as the application of biological organisms and chemical ingredients to seed to suppress, control, or repelling plant pathogens, insects, or other pests that attack seeds, seedlings or plants. Seed applied technologies such as inoculants, herbicide safeners, micronutrients, plant growth regulators, seed coatings, colorants, etc. may also… Learn More

Testimonial: Halliburton-Baroid Training Lab

Halliburton is an oilfield service company. The Baroid arm of the company provides solutions to the challenging areas of fluids and waste management. Training center seeks to protect students  Halliburton-Baroid installed a series of custom Sentry Air Ductless Fume Hoods in their training center for Field Service Representatives, who use chemicals and specialized tools to… Learn More

Testimonial: IceAlert, Inc. says adhesive fumes gone – completely

IceAlert, Inc. produces innovative safety systems that warn drivers and pedestrians when temperatures have dropped and ice may be present on roads and walkways. When placed along a highway, the IceAlert system alerts drivers to potentially hazardous driving situations. In parking lots or along sidewalks, the system signals pedestrians to tread carefully as ice may… Learn More

Workplace engineering control for sulphur dioxide, an acid gas

Sulphur dioxide [also called sulfur dioxide and SO2] is a colorless gas or liquid with a strong odor. It can be produced by the burning of coal, the source of most sulphur dioxide released into the environment.2 Because it can be inhaled in the general environment, much of the research on sulphur dioxide’s effect is… Learn More

Fluorine: Hazardous effects from a single atom

Fluorine [floo r-een], commonly misspelled as “flourine”, is a poisonous pale yellow odorous element found in the Halogen Group of elements of the periodic table. Fluorine is one of the most reactive elements known; it reacts violently with water yielding flammable O2 and corrosive and toxic hydrofluoric acid. Periodic Table of Elements: Fluorine Hydrofluoric acid… Learn More