Controlling Harmful Fumes during Shoe Repair and Leather Refinishing

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2012 there were approximately 5,750 people employed in the Shoe and Leather Workers and Repairers industry. During a typical day, these workers are exposed to a host of chemical vapors and particulate generated during the repair and refinishing process. Whether it is the rubber cement and… Learn More

Controlling Hazardous Fumes during the Electroplating Process

Electroplating is a metal finishing process in which an object is covered with a metal coating. This process changes the chemical, physical, and mechanical properties of the work piece and helps protect the object from abrasion or corrosion. Additional benefits may include lubricity, wear resistance, solderability, added material thickness and various aesthetic qualities. Many types… Learn More

Custom compounding hoods for veterinary pharmacy

Similar to non-sterile pharmaceutical compounding for human medication, veterinary pharmacists use their vast knowledge and technical skill to create custom medications for each of their animal patients. One popular option is encapsulated medication, where a drug in powder form is enclosed in a non-flavored, hard, gelatinous shell that is easy for animals to swallow. These… Learn More

Controlling Styrene Fume Exposure in the Manufacturing Sector

Styrene is a group of substances known as the volatile organic compounds and is a critical component to a multitude of products. Styrene enables manufactured products to deliver highly sought after benefits, including strength, durability, comfort and safety. Common uses of styrene include: Rigid food and drink storage containers Appliance housings Automobile body parts Wind… Learn More

Testimonial: Kingpin Tattoo Supply uses welding and solder fume extractors

  Florida’s Kingpin Tattoo provides equipment and supplies to tattoo professionals. They manufacture their own line of tattoo equipment and also offer medical and piercing Tattoo provides equipment and supplies to tattoo professionals. Their product line includes tattoo machines, inks, chairs, design collections – everything a tattoo shop might need. The company’s business model… Learn More

Testimonial: Sentry Air portable clean room increased screen-repair business

Jamey Dunham runs Repair Proz, an electronics repair business in Murfreesboro,Tennessee. He can repair just about any electronic device he encounters. These days, repairing electronic computer tablets with broken screens is a major part of his business. Dust vulnerability Microelectronic components in computerized devices are vulnerable to dust. A single speck can render them useless,… Learn More

Controlling dust generated during internal fire extinguisher maintenance

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) recommends annual external maintenance checks of all portable fire extinguishers. In addition, OSHA has set internal maintenance requirements based on type of extinguisher. See below chart: Type of Extinguisher Test Interval (years) Soda acid (soldered brass shells) (until 1/1/82) (1) Soda acid (stainless steel shell) 5 Cartridge operated… Learn More