Controlling fumes generated during EEG electrode application and removal

Electroencephalography ― more commonly known as EEG ― is the process of detecting and recording electrical activity in the brain by applying electrodes along the scalp. Mayo Clinic explains that our brain cells communicate via electrical impulses and are active all the time, even when we are sleeping. This activity shows up as wavy lines… Learn More

When humanitarianism begets sales

From a young age, Omar Ilsever had an innate desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives. His search for an effectual career led him to Bryan Rossnagel’s office nearly nine years ago. “This was not a regular job.” At the time, Mr. Rossnagel, President of Sentry Air Systems, was looking for someone eager… Learn More

EPA releases final risk assessment on Trichloroethylene (TCE)

In 2012, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a list of 83 chemicals identified for further investigation under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Of those chemicals, Trichloroethylene (TCE) received a hazard rating of 3, meaning high level hazard concern for both human health and environmental toxicity. The EPA chose to review TCE because of… Learn More

Acid gas and chemical fume control during beer bitterness testing

Home brewers, microbreweries and large-scale production plants often perform quality assurance tests throughout the brewing process to ensure a consistent, exceptional product. One of the tests in particular determines a beer’s bitterness ratio. Various measurement techniques can be performed to acquire this rating. The American Society of Brewing Chemists’ (ASBC) Method of Analysis Beer –… Learn More

Comparing Solder Fume Extractors: It’s all about the filter

Whether you suffer from headaches after soldering or are trying to comply with OSHA regulations, certain considerations should be made before purchasing a solder fume extractor. There is a wide range of solder fume extractors on the market priced from $45 to several hundred dollars. Before you are tempted by the price tag, consider why… Learn More

Nobody wants to talk about it: a brief chronicle of feces fumes in labs

Every day fecal matter goes under the microscope. There, lab technicians examine it for evidence of disease and parasites. Relatively recently, fecal matter transplants and pills have made medical news. Despite our squeamish reactions to this topic, fecal matter deserves respect – after all, it can force an airliner to go off course. Why do… Learn More

Reducing hexavalent chromium exposure with cleanable filter media

Sentry Air Systems is excited to publish our Industrial Hygiene Report on the Control of Welding Fume Particulates using Cleanable Filter Media as it relates to Hexavalent Chromium. Hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] is highly regulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) due to the fact that Cr(VI) fume is a known human carcinogen. Cr(VI)… Learn More

Digital dentistry: Are you properly filtering those 3D printer fumes?

As the price tag decreases and the precision and accuracy increases, the incorporation of 3D printers in dental and orthodontic practices are becoming more prevalent. For decades, dental professionals have been trained on the art of making molds, splints, partials, surgical drill patterns and a variety of other oral apparatuses. The easiest way to describe… Learn More

Respirable coffee dust extraction and filtration

According to a publication from the World Health Organization, dust is considered to be a solid particle ranging in size from below 1 µm (micrometer or micron) up to at least 100 µm, which may become airborne, depending on origin, physical characteristics and ambient conditions. Below is a reference chart comparing the size of common… Learn More