Engineering Controls to Reduce Exposure to Newly EPA-Banned Solvents TCE & PCE

Recently, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the ban and phase-out plan for solvents trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloroethylene (PCE). These restrictions are completed under amendments to the 2016 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The EPA’s press release details TCE and PCE risk management rules including the plans to ban both solvents, exempt industries, and… Learn More

Introducing the Walk-in Fume Hood Control Panel

  Introducing Sentry Air’s Walk-in Fume Hood Control Panel — This UL-listed system provides a central place to control a walk-in fume hood or walk-in ductless enclosure, including the fan systems and LED lights as well as monitor the filters’ static pressure and the system runtime. Walk-in Fume Hood Control Panel Benefits Central Fan Control… Learn More

Best Practices for Spiking IV Bags

To protect the safety of the patient, infusion clinics and other healthcare facilities should always spike IV bags in an ISO Class 5 clean room environment. Following best practices for spiking IV bags for immediate use helps prevent external contamination and protect medication quality. What is spiking an IV bag? Spiking an intravenous (IV) bag… Learn More

Utilizing Specialty-Blended Activated Carbon Filters to Optimize Chemical Fume Adsorption

By utilizing specialty-blended activated carbon filters, facilities can benefit from added adsorption rates aiding to improve operator safety and overall air quality. Certain chemicals such as formaldehyde are hard to filter using standard activated carbon filters. For these harder to filter chemical fumes, Sentry Air offers a variety of specialty-blended filter media. What are specialty-blended… Learn More

Proper IV Bag and Medication Preparation Can Help Save Lives

Utilizing an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom for IV bags and medication preparation aids in preventing medication contamination and can help protect patient safety. In the Dominican Republic, the Dominican Foundation for Mothers and Infants has installed three 40” IV Hoods or Portable Clean Rooms in the NICU of three different hospitals to improve their IV… Learn More

Improving Indoor Air Quality in Food Processing Facilities

  In the food processing industry, monitoring indoor air quality (IAQ) plays a vital role in helping to prevent food contamination and preserving employee health. Poor indoor air quality in food processing or production facilities can lead to foodborne illnesses for consumers and occupational asthma for workers. Food processing facilities can benefit from improving indoor… Learn More

Deluxe Ductless Fume Hood (DCH2) Now UL-Certified

  Sentry Air’s Deluxe Ductless Fume Hood aka DCH2 is now a UL-certified product. The DCH2 – Ductless Fume Hood Gen II underwent stringent testing by UL to ensure operator safety and product functionality. Who is UL? UL, Underwriters Laboratories, is a widely known non-profit organization that offers testing, inspection, and certification services to companies… Learn More

Portable Clean Rooms – Generation II – New Line from Sentry Air

Introducing Portable Clean Rooms – Generation II (PCR2). This system features an updated design that provides the operator with easy fan control, improved airflow, and efficiency. This line also offers larger sizes with the same dependability. Portable Clean Rooms – Generation II Updated Features Clean and Sleek Look The Portable Clean Room Generation II offers… Learn More

Mail Handling Safety: Engineering Controls for Minimizing Hazards

  To minimize safety concerns, mail-handling procedures at private mailrooms should follow safety guidelines and implement engineering controls to minimize staff exposure to pathogens, particulate, and biohazards. On average, about 6,300 mail-borne incidents are reported every year to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) (Newman,… Learn More