Category: Fume Hoods

Content centered around Sentry Air System’s high quality ductless, ducted, and portable clean rooms used to limit exposure to toxic fumes and vapors

Testimonial: Ductless Powder Containment Hoods for Pharmaceutical Compounding

Empower Pharmacy of Houston, TX compounds custom medications to suit individual patient needs. They approached us during their search for a respiratory engineering control for the Pharmacist and Technicians while they compound. They specified that they would be working the majority of the day compounding capsules (capsule filling) and creams. After a thorough consultation with one… Learn More

Fume Control for Conformal Coating PCBs [Ductless Spray Hoods]

Conformal Coating A highly recommended last step in the manufacturing process of developing printed circuit boards (PCBs) is conformal coating. Conformal coating is a protective film that is applied to PCBs to protect them from a variety of naturally-occurring and man-made environmental hazards, including moisture, chemicals, dust, corrosion, and extreme temperatures. This protective measure is especially important for sensitive… Learn More

Testimonial: Ductless Spray Paint Booth for Paints & Solvents

Our Ductless Spray Paint Hoods are receiving raving reviews about their performance and safety features. Here are two testimonials from different customers about their Sentry Air experience. Spray Painting Custom Radio Controlled Aircraft Canopies I purchased my Sentry Air Systems spray hood to control the fumes and particulates when spray painting custom radio-controlled aircraft canopies…. Learn More

Fume Hoods for Fecal Sample Testing

The importance of appropriate ventilation and filtration is apparent in several aspects of fecal sample testing: from odor to biohazards to the chemicals used during testing. Sentry Air Systems 18″ Wide Ductless Fume Hood is pictured above. Fume Hoods are generally the most common configuration used for fecal sample testing because they offer the most… Learn More

Testimonial: Assembly of Projection Lenses in Portable Clean Room Hood

The testimonial below was written by Tony Dummett, who utilizes a Sentry Air Systems 24″ Wide Portable Clean Room Hood during the design and assembly of cinema projection lenses: “My business is the design and assembly of ultra high quality XEIT brand anamorphic cinema projection lenses. One of the critical quality benchmarks is to keep microscopic dust… Learn More

Testimonial: Stem Cell Therapy and Portable Clean Room Hoods

Testimonial from Stemlogix, LLC: Stem Cell Therapy and Portable Clean Room Hoods Photo Credit: Stemlogix, LLC. “We are currently using the hoods [18” Wide Portable Clean Room Hoods] in Veterinary and Physician offices to separate stem cells from fat tissue. The doctors need something that is portable, light weight and requires minimal space. The Sentry Air… Learn More

Testimonial: Research in the Peruvian Rainforest

Gabriel A. Miller is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University. He utilizes a Sentry Air 18-Inch Portable Clean Room in the Peruvian Rainforest for his research: “We are using your portable laminar flow hood to work with fungi living inside tropical plant tissues; it’s amazing to create a sterile… Learn More

Testimonial: Molecular Biology

Sarah Laredo is an Animal Behavior Graduate Student at the University of California, Davis. She utilizes our 18″ Ductless Fume Hood [Model SS-218-DCH] for her Molecular Biology work in the field: ” I am using the Sentry Air unit to conduct tissue extraction in an outdoor field setting. I work with a very powerful fixative… Learn More

UV Light Now Available in Portable Clean Rooms

Customers looking to purchase portable clean room (PCR) hoods now have the option of adding our Ultraviolet Light (UV) to the unit. The UVC is operated by a three-way switch that controls either a fluorescent light, UV light, or powers the lighting system off completely. The new upgrade also offers the operator a timer that… Learn More

Portable Clean Room Hoods for Data Recovery

Data recovery is a very sensitive application. As a result, this “surgery” needs to be performed in a very clean and sterile environment. For those engaged in data recovery, it is essential to keep tiny micro-sized particles away from the open hard disks drives. If dust enters this equipment the damage can be extremely costly,… Learn More