Category: Fume Hoods

Content centered around Sentry Air System’s high quality ductless, ducted, and portable clean rooms used to limit exposure to toxic fumes and vapors

Testimonial: Margaret Burnham, Art Conservator, Birmingham Museum of Art

Many people would be surprised to know that the people who protect art need protection, too. Health hazards for conservators The products conservators use do a good job of mending and preserving art objects, but they may emit fumes or particles that shouldn’t be inhaled. At the Birmingham Museum of Art, Margaret Burnham focuses on… Learn More

Testimonial: Halliburton-Baroid Training Lab

Halliburton is an oilfield service company. The Baroid arm of the company provides solutions to the challenging areas of fluids and waste management. Training center seeks to protect students  Halliburton-Baroid installed a series of custom Sentry Air Ductless Fume Hoods in their training center for Field Service Representatives, who use chemicals and specialized tools to… Learn More

The Hazards of Spray Paint Fumes

Everyone knows that the inhalation of spray paint fumes has negative effects on your health, but just how hazardous are they? What is in Spray Paint? Many standard professional-grade spray paints contain Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). VOCs are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids and include a variety of chemicals, some of which… Learn More

Powder Containment Hoods Compatible with Torpac® ProFiller Capsule Filling Systems

Compounding pharmacists are responsible for procuring and establishing a variety of engineering safety controls and precautionary measures to protect themselves and staff members from the hazards of working with non-sterile compounding ingredients and powders. One major occupational hazard that presents itself during these compounding procedures is the potential for drug inhalation, especially when working with… Learn More

Silica health risks go beyond the oilfields

Silica, hydraulic fracking in the news Crystalline silica in the work place is in the news this month because investigation by public health officials indicates it may be a health hazard for workers involved in hydraulic fracturing [fracking]. OSHA hopes to issue new silica regulations this spring. [1] Silica is found in soils, rocks and… Learn More

Custom Fume Hood Solution for Cidex and Other Glutaraldehyde Products

Cidex® is a well-known disinfectant in medical facilities. It is a 2.4% solution of glutaraldehyde and is frequently used to disinfect medical devices that can not be subjected to high-heat disinfection, such as endoscopes and bronchoscopes. It is also sometimes used as an all-purpose disinfectant.  (Other trade names for glutaraldehyde-containing formulations include Sonacide®,Sporicidin®, Hospex®, Omnicide®,… Learn More

Testimonial: Vertical Laminar Flow Hood for Fungal Cell Culture

Ecovative Design is a biomaterials company that grows replacements of synthetic foam, such as MycoComposite™, that is comprised of agricultural waste (seed hulls) and mushroom mycelium. They utilize several Sentry Air Systems air purification systems, including both laminar flow hoods (also known as Portable Clean Room Hoods or Tissue Culture Hoods) and ductless chemical fume hoods…. Learn More

Part Three – Compounding Pharmacies: Engineering Controls for Sterile Compounding

This is the final article in a series of three that discusses Oklahoma Pharmacy Law Book’s airflow and filtration regulations regarding respiratory safety and product protection equipment for pharmaceutical compounding. This particular entry focuses on compounding sterile products as discussed in “Part 3: Good Compounding Practices for Sterile Products.” Although this blog is focused on… Learn More

Part Two – Compounding Pharmacies: Engineering Controls for Non-sterile Compounding

This is the second article in a series of three that addresses the Oklahoma Pharmacy Law Book’s airflow and filtration requirements for containment hood systems within compounding pharmacies. The first article in the series discusses the generic qualities of air flow within cabinets and hoods noted in the law book. It also identifies some of… Learn More

Part One – Compounding Pharmacies: Regulatory Airflow and Filtration

State regulators enact laws that govern many industries, including compounding pharmacies. Frequently, they rely on performance standards established by other organizations, such as the International Organization for Standardization ( ISO), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and NSF International (formerly National Sanitation Foundation.). The acronyms of these organizations are often attached to standards cited in legislation,… Learn More