A common issue in many manufacturing facilities is large equipment that produces dust and fume. These particulates can get sucked into a building’s HVAC system, float around in the ambient air, and settle on surfaces. The thought of improving air quality may sound daunting when you have several hundred or several thousand square feet, tall… Learn More
Category: Fume Hoods
Content centered around Sentry Air System’s high quality ductless, ducted, and portable clean rooms used to limit exposure to toxic fumes and vapors
Very clean, compact workspace for electronics repair and data recovery
Among our most daring and entrepreneurial customers are those willing to throw wide the doors to civilization’s sacred objects — our phones and computerized devices. When these smarties repair a tablet screen or restore a hard drive within one of our Portable Clean Room Hoods, they expose the devices’ inner workings to a clean, ISO… Learn More
Spark reduction goes hand in hand with good housekeeping
They may look like flashes of light, quickly here then gone, but sparks are actually bits of very hot metal. One reason we know this is the work of early researcher Robert Hooke. In this case, early means 17th century. (More info about Hooke at the end of this post.) Spark reducers can trap or… Learn More
Custom solution for acetone cleaning station fumes
A customer contacted Sentry Air because their work involved multiple parts cleaning stations each using shallow acetone baths. They requested a fume extraction solution that would help protect their employees from acetone vapor as well as reduce noxious chemical odor. The plan was to install multi-operator fume extractors that would filter the acetone before exhausting… Learn More
Mobile laboratories need modular, compact fume extraction solutions
Portable labs have unique needs when it comes to outfitting their trailer with equipment and tools. While space is tight, technicians and researches still need most of the same supplies found in brick and mortar labs. Items in particular are fume hoods and clean spaces. Fume hoods and fume extraction units help filter out hazardous… Learn More
Occupational Exposure to Trichloroethylene
According to chemical summary published by the EPA, trichloroethylene (TCE) is a volatile organic chemical used primarily as an industrial solvent. TCE is a colorless or blue liquid with a sweet, chloroform-like odor. The most common use of TCE is to remove grease from fabricated metal parts and some textiles. It is also an ingredient… Learn More
Respiratory protection from Schaudinn Fixative vapor
Schaudinn’s Fixative is a mercuric chloride-based fluid that is used to preserve the integrity of sample specimens in preparation for analysis. Once specimen fixation occurs, a stain is usually applied to the samples to help in the identification of specific microscopic organisms. While not a complete list, the fields of Parasitology, Cytology and Fecal Sampling… Learn More
Removing dust and mold spores during book restoration and conservation
The art and precision of book restoration and conservation is a honed skill; one that involves countless hours of detailed yet delicate labor. The passion that goes in to restoring rare and antiquated works of literature is evidenced by the finished product. By removing layers of dirt and remediating mold spores from the pages, original… Learn More
Economical, adaptive enclosures for simulated pharmacy training
The pharmaceutical industry in America is complex in that multiple agencies, both private and governmental, develop standards and regulations on everything from beta testing new drugs to compounding and selling approved medications. These standards are not only meant to protect the health and safety of end users, but also those who manipulate, manufacture, and package… Learn More
Brewery Labs: Laminar flow hoods aid in aseptic processing of yeast cultures
In an earlier blog post we discussed the use of ductless air cleaners equipped with a specialty-blended carbon filter (50/50 acid gas and activated carbon) for the control of chemical fume during beer bitterness sample testing. While it is important to analyze various quality components of beer in its drinkable state, it is equally if… Learn More