Category: Fume Hoods

Content centered around Sentry Air System’s high quality ductless, ducted, and portable clean rooms used to limit exposure to toxic fumes and vapors

Proper IV Bag and Medication Preparation Can Help Save Lives

Utilizing an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom for IV bags and medication preparation aids in preventing medication contamination and can help protect patient safety. In the Dominican Republic, the Dominican Foundation for Mothers and Infants has installed three 40” IV Hoods or Portable Clean Rooms in the NICU of three different hospitals to improve their IV… Learn More

Mail Handling Safety: Engineering Controls for Minimizing Hazards

  To minimize safety concerns, mail-handling procedures at private mailrooms should follow safety guidelines and implement engineering controls to minimize staff exposure to pathogens, particulate, and biohazards. On average, about 6,300 mail-borne incidents are reported every year to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) (Newman,… Learn More

Pharmaceutical Compounding… Are you doing it Safely?

Pharmaceutical Compounding

Practicing safe pharmaceutical compounding helps protect the pharmacist from exposure to harmful substances and particulate, as well as preserve the safety of the medication for the patient. Compounding entails the creation of a drug customized to meet the unique needs of an individual patient (Ref. 1). A compounding pharmacist uses a licensed physician’s prescription to… Learn More

Stool Culture + Sentry Air Systems

What is Stool Culture? Stool culture is the process of testing a sample of stool in order to determine whether you have an infection in your lower digestive tract due to pathogenic germs such as bacteria, fungus, viruses, or protozoa. This test is used to identify the various types of bacteria that can cause disease… Learn More

Compact Solutions for Working from Home

Cities across the United States have been ordering shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders to try to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. These measures have drastically changed the way people work requiring more workers to be able to work from home. Non-essential businesses and factories have been closing but employees still want to work to maintain… Learn More

Chip-off Forensics Respiratory Hazards

Chip Off Forensics

  Chip-off forensics enables law enforcement and forensic laboratories to recover and interpret data on flash memory devices such as mobile phones and hard drives (Ref. 1). After unsuccessful attempts of data extraction from other conventional methods, forensic experts can use the chip-off technique as a last resort data recovery procedure (Ref. 2). Chip-off forensics… Learn More

Laboratory Fume Hoods

laboratory fume hoods

  Laboratory fume hoods provide operator and environmental protection from hazardous fumes, particulate, and other gases. Through inhalation, harmful fumes directly enter the blood stream and small particles may become embedded deep within the lungs (Ref. 1). A laboratory fume hood reduces exposure by containing the fumes and particulate dispersed during an experiment and a… Learn More

IV Bag Preparation Best Practices Utilizing ISO Class 5 Laminar Flow Hoods

IV Bag Preparation

Medical professionals and naturopathic/holistic doctors have utilized IV vitamin/nutrient therapies for many years as a more natural approach to treating chronic conditions in patients. As opposed to oral medications or supplements that travel through the body’s digestive system, whereby diminishing absorption capabilities, IV therapy delivers optimal levels of the necessary vitamins/supplements directly to the bloodstream;… Learn More

Particulate Control for Eyeglass Lens Production

Eyeglass Lens Particulate Control

Reflective surfaces have been used to magnify and enhance vision since the early 1200s with the discovery of the magnifying glass made of quartz and beryl lenses1. Glasses were introduced to the general public by Alessandro di Spina. Due to high demand, quartz and beryl lenses were quickly replaced with glass. Modern day eyeglass lens… Learn More