Sentry Air Systems was originally approached by an Acupuncturist for a fume extraction solution in 2008. She was practicing Chinese medicine using Moxa cigars (derived from an herbal plant- the mugwort). Moxa (or moxibustion) is used to treat various ailments via heat treatment and acupuncture points on the body. When this herb is burned, it… Learn More
Category: Medical
Read content about medical applications and how the removal of fume, toxins, and particulate can be an integral part to the integrity of your medical practices.
Testimonial: Stem Cell Therapy and Portable Clean Room Hoods
Testimonial from Stemlogix, LLC: Stem Cell Therapy and Portable Clean Room Hoods Photo Credit: Stemlogix, LLC. “We are currently using the hoods [18” Wide Portable Clean Room Hoods] in Veterinary and Physician offices to separate stem cells from fat tissue. The doctors need something that is portable, light weight and requires minimal space. The Sentry Air… Learn More