On September 16, 2010, Oregon Health & Science University’s (OHSU) Center for Research on Occupational and Environmental Toxicology (CROET) issued an important statement regarding the possible toxic effects of one brand of brazilian blowout solution and more specifically: their “Formaldehyde-Free” claim. Generally, these kinds of hair straightening solutions (i.e. brazilian keratin treatment) are used to… Learn More
Category: Beauty & Cosmetic
Read content about beauty and cosmetic applications and how the removal of fume, toxins, and particulate can be an integral part of the integrity of your beauty and cosmetic practices.
Brazilian Keratin Treatment Fume Extractor Testimonial
Steve Tcherkezian is a BKT and Japanese Hair Straightening Specialist at Nouveau Hair Gallery in Toronto, Canada. He currently uses our Model SS-300-BKT Fume Extractor to help reduce fume exposure while performing hair treatments on clients: “Hey, my name is Steve Tcherkezian. I am in Toronto, Canada. I specialize in the Brazilian/BKT and Japanese Hair… Learn More
Nail Salon Respiratory Safety
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, one of the most effective ways to help prevent inhalation of dangerous fumes and particulate in a nail salon is to install local exhaust ventilation: “Install a local exhaust ventilation system near work tables. Since the general heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems (HVACs) slowly exchange the air inside the… Learn More
Brazilian Keratin Treatment: Health Risks and a Safety Recommendation

The Brazilian Keratin Treatment is a hair-straightening process that promises straight, smoother, and shinier hair that can last anywhere from six weeks to a few months. This process can take up to four hours and includes multiple steps. According to salontoday.com[1], researchers in Brazil discovered this treatment more than 10 years ago and because of… Learn More