Category: Indoor Air Quality

Read content related to Indoor Air Quality and how the removal of fume, toxins, and particulate can be an integral part of the integrity of your environment.

Fire Station Diesel Exhaust Fume Control

  Diesel exhaust fumes pose health risks to firefighters. Diesel powered firetrucks emit harmful diesel exhaust when entering and leaving the fire station. These fumes must be properly controlled in order to prevent continuous exposure to firefighters1. Without proper diesel exhaust fume control, the hazardous fumes may enter living quarters at the fire station increasing… Learn More

Dangers and Side Effects of Breathing Volcanic Ash

Yesterday, Thursday May 17, 2018, at approximately 1 PM ET/5 AM HST (Hawaiian local time) Kilauea Volcano, located on southeast Island of Hawai’i near Pāhoa, erupted for the first time since 19241. This presumed phreatic eruption has sent ash plumes as far as 12 miles away2, however the actual particulate distance is difficult to measure… Learn More

Respiratory hazards of wildfire smoke

The recent and tragic wildfires in northern California have prompted many to question the respiratory hazards that are being generated due to the pungent smoke and particulate blowing off of these fires. The smoke that is produced during these fires contains a mixture of gases and fine particulates that is generated from organic plant material…. Learn More

Mesothelioma And The Hazards of Airborne Asbestos Particles

Mesothelioma is a particularly aggressive and dangerous form of cancer that manifests in the interior lung lining of the patient. It can spread at a disturbing rate, overtaking the heart, lungs or chest unless it is met with the appropriate chemotherapy treatment. Direct contact with Asbestos is the leading cause of mesothelioma, but the particles… Learn More

Spark reduction goes hand in hand with good housekeeping

They may look like flashes of light, quickly here then gone, but sparks are actually bits of very hot metal. One reason we know this is the work of early researcher Robert Hooke. In this case, early means 17th century. (More info about Hooke at the end of this post.) Spark reducers can trap or… Learn More

Workplace exposure: Respiratory sensitizers and Occupational asthma

Respiratory sensitizers are chemicals that lead to hypersensitivity of the airways following inhalation.1 The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sub-categorizes respiratory sensitizers within their Hazard Category based on weight of evidence on effects seen in either humans or study animals. Sub-category 1A – Substances showing a high frequency of occurrence in humans; or a… Learn More

New flooring? Concerned about formaldehyde fumes in your home?

If you were exposed to formaldehyde fumes in your workplace, your employer would be required to explain the risks to you and provide appropriate safety equipment. Why? What is Formaldehyde? Formaldehyde is a volatile organic compound (VOC). VOCs are chemicals that, due to their inherent qualities, vaporize readily at normal room temperatures. Formaldehyde, an industrial… Learn More

Removing soot from workplace air after a fire: Our experience

Not too many months ago, there was a fire in an adjoining suite of the business park we called home. No direct flames, lots of smoke The overwhelming smell of smoke in a significant portion of our building made it impossible to work there, so one department moved to offices with cleaner air. We lost… Learn More

Nobody wants to talk about it: a brief chronicle of feces fumes in labs

Every day fecal matter goes under the microscope. There, lab technicians examine it for evidence of disease and parasites. Relatively recently, fecal matter transplants and pills have made medical news. Despite our squeamish reactions to this topic, fecal matter deserves respect – after all, it can force an airliner to go off course. Why do… Learn More

Indoor Air Dangers, Simple Solutions to a Serious Issue

The following article is by Contributing Author Allie Locke from — The vast number of medical concerns that continue to emerge today, including immune system disorders, neurological issues, and multiple chemical sensitivities, indicate that indoor air quality remains a major health concern. Startlingly, indoor air often contains more toxins than outdoor environments. Furthermore, some… Learn More